Student Leave Forms

From January 2012, new regulations were introduced regarding the processes by which NSW schools record and manage student attendance.  There are two different leave applications which the NSW Minister for Education has delegated the power to grant or cancel to non-government school principals, within strict guidelines.

Application for Term Time Holiday Leave is for any anticipated absence (1 or more days); this covers family holidays taken during school term time, family events such as reunions and weddings, religious festivals and special events unrelated to the school.

Term Time Holiday Leave applications must be submitted at least ten days before the departure date. Submissions must be on time to be accepted. If you have missed the deadline, please email as soon as possible to commence the absence notification process.

If you experience unforeseen circumstances, such as a family funeral, you may respond to the absence text message or send an email from a parent without following the standard leave application process. 

Application for Exemption from Attendance at Ë®¹ûÅÉAV is for students needing leave for exceptional circumstances (1 or more days) – for example, employment in the entertainment or arts industry or elite-level sporting events. It allows principals to provide an Exemption Certificate for students to be exempt from attending school for up to 50 days a year. 

Principals must strictly adhere to the processes and conditions outlined in the Exemption Guidelines to apply the exemption legally. Certificates of Exemption cannot be issued retrospectively. Exemption applications must be submitted at least 10 school days before the departure date. Late submissions won’t be accepted, so please plan accordingly. If you have missed the deadline, please email as soon as possible to commence the absence notification process.

We would like to remind you that as students move towards the senior years of schooling, it is expected that they take increasing responsibility for work that will be missed through anticipated absences. Please keep in mind that the school will be reluctant to grant exemptions from attendance for senior students where such exemptions conflict with the published assessment schedule found elsewhere on this website.

To apply for an exemption or Term-Time Holiday Leave, you can download the application forms from the links provided below or access them on the .